User Guide

Duke is a personal chat bot that uses the CLI to manage daily tasks. It is a case-insensitve CLI application.

Quick Start

Computing Environment

Duke GUI has been tested and possible to run on Windows, Mac and Linux given the following computing environment

For Linux, please enter java --version to check if the minimum Java requirement is met before running the GUI application. For Windows, please enter java --version to check if the minimum Java requirement is met before running the GUI application.

Start Duke Helpbot

For Linux,

Alternatively, a command can be issued in the command terminal: java -jar duke-0.2.0.jar.

For Windows,

Alternatively, a command can be issued in the command terminal: java -jar duke-0.2.0.jar.


Duke allows you to track three types of task - To Do, Deadline and Events. In addition, there are also various utility functions to allow you to manage your task list. These functions include list, delete, done, bye, help, find.

For all To Do, Deadline and Events, a task description is shown in chronological order in which they were added. The classification of the To Do, Deadline and Events are denoted by a task icon, as shown in table below.

Task Task icon
To Do T
Deadline D
Event E

The completion status is also denoted by a completion icon, as shown in the table below.

Completion Status Completion icon
Completed Y
Incomplete N

A sample list with the Task Icon and Completion Status is show below Sample list


list - List out all tasks

A list of all the To Do, Deadline and Events are shown to you.

Format: list

For Deadlines, the date and time in which the task is due is included in the same line after the task description. For Events, the date and time in which the task is happening is included in the same line after the task description.

Example of usage:


Example of expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[E][N] project meeting (by: 02/12/2019 1420)
2.[D][N] return book (by: 02/12/2019 1420)
3.[T][N] read book

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

List command

help - Show help page to assist user in commands available

Help shows you the various commands that the Duke chat bot uses in the application.

Format: help

Example of usage:


Example of expected outcome:

Welcome to help page!
Here are some commands you can use:
list, todo, event, deadline, done, delete, find, bye

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Help command

You can further check the syntax required of each command to use it, by supplying the command interested.

Example of usage:

help todo

Example of expected outcome:

Here is what I found!
todo <task description>

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

help specific command

todo - Adds a To Do task to the task list.

You can add a To Do task that has no deadline to the task list.

Format: todo TASK_DESCRIPTION where

Example of usage:

todo Homework

Example of expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [T] Homework
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Todo command

event - Adds an Event to the task list.

You can add an Event to the task list to track any event that you may have in your schedule. The event requires a date and time to be furnished with the event description.


Example of usage:

event Birthday celebration /at 12/10/2019 1503

Example of expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [E] Birthday celebration
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Event command

deadline - Adds an task with deadline to the task list.

You can add a task with a deadline to the task list to track any deadlines you have. The deadline requires a date and time to be furnished with the deadline task description.


Example of usage:

deadline CS2103 IP /by 12/10/2019 1503

Example of expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [D] CS2103 IP
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Deadline command

done - Sets a task as completed.

You can update the completion status of the task to done. You need to identify the task to be set as done with the task number, by checking the task list.

Format: done INDEX_TASK where INDEX_TASK: Index of the task in your task list. To check the index, you can use the list command to refer to the index.

Example of usage:

done 4

Example of expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
  [D][Y] CS2103 IP (by: 12/10/2019 1123)

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Done command

delete - Deletes a task in task list.

You can delete a specific task from the task list. You need to identify the task to be deleted with the task number, by checking the task list.

Format: delete INDEX_TASK where INDEX_TASK: Index of the task in your task list. To check the index, you can use the list command to refer to the index.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Example of expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
  [E][N] CS2103 IP (by: 12/10/2019 1123)

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Delete command

find - Finds all the task with the matching keyword in the task description.

You can find all the task entries in the task list, in which the task description contains the specified keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD where KEYWORD: Keyword to search for in tasks in task list.

Example of usage:

find book

Example of expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
  1.[D][N] return book (by: 12/10/2019 1123)
  2.[Y][N] read book

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Find command

bye - To exit and stop Duke.

To stop the session with Duke, you can specify bye to end the session with Duke.

Format: bye

Example of usage:


Example of expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

A sample Duke Helpbot response can be seen below.

Bye command